Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Consultation day

Today was the first of many days at the doctor's office. :)

Even though the weather was horrible, I braved the ice and snow and surprised everyone when I showed up. I signed in, and the surprised receptionist asked me if they could reschedule. I pretty much gave a sob story that I live out of town so they let me have my consultation (except the only two people there were the receptionist and the doctor.) The only thing I couldn't consult about was the insurance/payment options, but they said I could go back tomorrow to get that figured out (because let's face it, I'm stuck in Dallas until then.)

So after the receptionist (posing as a nurse, I presume) talked to me and took down some notes, I watched a movie about rhinoplasty. Imagine the "Becoming a Woman" video in junior high, what with the cartoon images of people and lots of bullet points.

Then came the pictures. That was really fun! Pictures under harsh lights (with flash, also) that show every flaw on your face. Luckily, I'm not broke out but still! While the receptionist called the lady who usually does the images in order to get the pictures on the computer, the doctor not only stuck prongs up my nostrils and finally diagnosed me with a deviated septum and a swollen turbinate (concha, if you are googling it) on the right side, both parts stopping me from being fully able to breathe out of that side. I'm just pretty excited about being diagnosed with the deviated septum!

However, that means that in addition to rhinoplasty, I am getting septoplasty, and luckily insurance usually will help cover septoplasty (woohoo!)

Also in the room, I stood in front of a mirror and pointed out what I don't like about my nose. Such harsh self-judgment.

On to the fun part, I finally got to look at the pictures. From the front view, he could only show me everything he would change, and for the profile views, he actually warped my nose. I wish he could have emailed me the pictures to show, but it looks so much better! I'm so excited! Tomorrow, I go to talk to the woman about insurance to find out about the financial part and also to (cross your fingers) schedule the surgery. So excited!

Will update soon!

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