Monday, April 22, 2013

The three D's!

"Destination, Determination, Deliberation!"

Of course Harry Potter has to inspire a blog post!

Some days, we just need a little motivation to where we're going to go.. Whether it be today, next year, or in life.

Step one: Fix your mind firmly upon the desired destination.
Step two, focus your determination to occupy the visualized space. Let your yearning to enter it flood from your mind to every particle of your body!
Step three... Turn on the spot, feeling your way into nothingness, moving with deliberation!

Okay step 3 may be a little far fetched.. Unless you like science fiction or fantasy, like me!

I hope I got my 3 D's right, what are yours?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Post op, 2 years!

Yes, that is a pretty current picture of me. I'm so happy with my nose, and I would do it a thousand times over! If I could go back and change anything, I would have waited LONGER to wear glasses or sunglasses - it has left a permanent dent in my nose that no one can see, but I can feel.

I just read my whole blog earlier (IT'S A HUGE LONG BLOG!!!) and realized I forgot to tell my readers about the stitch...

6 months after surgery, in October of 2011, I felt a pimple coming up in my nose, and I KNEW it was my stitch. I KNEW IT. So I called on a good (very good, too good) friend to use her NEEDLENOSE pliers and get that baby out of there, and GUESS WHAT? She did. I am stitch free.

Muah mah babies.

Friday, May 27, 2011

3 months post-op

Well it has been roughly 3 months since surgery, and I think for the first time in a month, yesterday I looked at the side of my nose in the mirror. It makes me so happy, and it drowns out all the things people say about it that are negative. I have even noticed the swelling has gone down more, I really don't feel any pain, except that it gets sore easier (like if i take a nap with my glasses on and they press into it for a little bit.) The tip is still VERY hard. Almost like bone, so when my nose itches, it's a lot different - I used to just smush my nose all around (yes, smush) but now I have to be very careful! It's my baby :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Post operation - one week

One week ago today I was miserably laid up in bed, sick from anesthesia.. Today, I feel great! I still have some bruises under my eyes and still have that red rim eyeliner but I feel great. Today was my first official shower, yay! I have gotten to wash my face and have spent a total of about 30 minutes in front of the mirror getting glue off my nose!
Rewind to yesterday, my doctor's appointment. I went in and got the splint removed, which hurt pretty bad. Just a lot of pushing down on very tender bone. Then came the stitch removal. The part I was most nervous about. But wait! This story gets better.
The nurse removed the two stitches from beneath each eye and removed about six from between my nostrils. Some were painful, but for the most part it was tolerable.
Now fast forward to the drive home, where I can see a stitch still in my nose covered with dried blood.. That's right. They had left a stitch in there. Only after getting home and finding another stitch in the other side, same location, that I realized it was either spending $20 in gas to drive back down there the next day (today) or... sadly, have an at home surgery.
Dad helped at the beginning, but of course it was nerve-racking.
So yes, I did pull 2 stitches out of my nose.
And yes, part of one is still lodged in there that we can't find.
Anyway, here are my updated pictures, cast off! The change is enormous!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday update

All I can say is, I'm so ready for my check up tomorrow! I am getting claustrophobic under this cast! And I hope I get my stitches out, they are bothering me, especially the ones near my eyes. Every day, I'm able to breathe a little more through each side, but I'm ready to get everything out, get all the blood cleaned out, and be able to breathe! And put on makeup would be nice. A friend's mom told me she couldn't believe I was out yesterday but I have felt so awesome. My eyes are still very sensitive too, they water easily and a lot of sunlight hurts them, but I'm hoping after the face cast is off and the stitches gone, they will start to feel better, too. I'm nervous about the next part - making sure the cuts don't burst back open after the stitches are out! Very nervous about that because I've never had stitches. Above are today's updated pictures - I love my profile view! Especially from the left side, which has always been my best side, but I can already see the difference!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday update

It has been 4 days since surgery and I'm definitely feeling the healing process coming along. I have pictures from this morning as well as last night. I know I'm looking like a million dollars! Yesterday, the bruising was at its darkest, but I finally stayed up almost the whole day (with a 2 hour nap :) it's recovery!!) I drove and hung out with friends, I'm almost feeling normal (if you would ever have considered me normal.) Yesterday, my little victory was sleeping through the whole night, only waking up once to pee and get water.
My little victory was a little bigger today - I woke up breathing through my nose! My mouth was closed and everything. I was so excited. I actually checked all the stitches up next to my eyes to make sure they hadn't busted open and that's where the air was leaking through. But we're good. I'm feeling a little more stopped up now, I need to ice a little more. My nose is leaking much less today. Every day I'm seeing little improvements - makes me happy!
The picture in the gray sweater is from today - my bruising is a little more green.
I also took a picture from the side yesterday because it already has a noticeable difference! It is still VERY swollen between my eyes but nothing a lot of ice and a little time won't fix.